THE TINY BOOK OF 'BIG' QUOTESyours for FREE, includes one quote for every week of the year
New Literally hot off the presses. Includes one quote for every week of the year. PLUS…The tiny book of ‘BIG’ quotes can be yours for FREE. Simply pay the post and packaging. I personally love quotes, and if by sharing some of these classic quotes I help put a smile on your face, then trust me, that makes me a happy man.
If you know what to say – when others don’t; you’re doing better than you might think.
Ken Trim
It’s easier to prepare and prevent, than to repair and repent.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.
PLUS 5 ENLIGHTENING MINI ARTICLESall included free of charge
- Raising morale
- Improving customer care
- Enthusiasm the real differentiator
- Increasing productivity
- Growing sales
- Raising morale
- Improving customer care
- Enthusiasm the real differentiator
- Increasing productivity
- Growing sales
What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expected generally happens.
Benjamin Disraeli
When you’re trying to inspire others, just occasionally a few wise words can have a huge effect. There are 52 classic quotes, plus the five mini articles, plus eight further quotes that are shown, reviewed and commented on in ‘The tiny book of ‘big’ quotes.’ Not to mention a couple of cartoons. All in a book smaller than a pocket diary and so compact you’ll think it’s been on a highly effective diet.
The investment? It’s FREE! Simply cover the post & packaging. If you’re one of the first 100 people that apply for your own copy (sorry only one per organisation) I’ll include a £50 voucher that you can redeem against any business coaching supplied by ourselves.