
Ready to Win Audio CD

4 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)


Lots of us experience substantial amounts of “dead” time. For example when we’re commuting or driving. We often switch the radio on and drive virtually on auto pilot.


Product Description

It’s been said that you could turn ones car into almost a university on wheels. Carry a little library of audio material, CD’s ,tapes, podcasts etc. then take in the knowledge as you travel from home to work or office to client. Not a bad suggestion. Personally I don’t think everyone wants to listen to hour after hour of self-development programs every time they get into the car, however occasionally listening to the odd relevant program, meditating on the advice, picking out the bits that you could use – has to be a brilliant plan.

Apparently we forget 80% of what we learn within 24 hours if we don’t constantly review what we’ve listened to. On that basis a “sales tips” CD could give you the highest return on your investment. Remember if you want a different result then be prepared to change your approach. Only £49 plus VAT.

1 review for Ready to Win Audio CD

  1. 4 out of 5


    Ei manero, num eh uma critica naum viw? xDNa verdade, eu leio todos os seus posts… mas soh alguns do silveira… soh estranhei mesmo…Mas pensando bem… esse post começou com uma palhaçada hauhauhuahuahuah

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